Week 6 story lab

I watched two TED talks about stories and storytelling. One of them was about the dangers of a single story. It talked about how it is bad, and how many of us get our information and formulate ideas around a single story. It talks about how it cheapens the people or the subject matter of that single story, and makes the very one dimensional. it is important to know the complete story, or at least be aware that a single story is not the whole story. I am in a psychology class about skepticism, and we talked about this to a degree, it is important to seek out what the entirety of the literature says, rather than just one study that may be providing you with a very biased and unbalanced view of the subject matter.

The other video that I watched was about fictional characters and how they effect our emotions. I really enjoyed this video because it was very interesting, and also because it was tackled from a psychological perspective. She talked about how we can become very emotional attached to fictional characters. Attached to the point where having an image of the character we care about present can yield the same effects as having a close loved one present. They also did an experiment where a person imagined a favorite character of theirs die, vs a real world acquaintance, and people were equally, if not more sad about the fictional character dying. We perceive these characters as being a part of our lives and care for them. They may not be real, but they do become real to us, our minds are not able to differentiate this fact. I really like knowing this, and it makes me feel better about shedding a few tears here and there when beloved characters have come and gone.
Image result for the going merry
The going merry death scene one piece


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