reading notes: Tibetan folk tales part A
A rock in prison
there was a frog who tricked a tiger in believing that he was mighty. The frog grabbed a hold of the tiger tail as he jumped across the river to trick him in believing that he could jump that far. he spit up tiger hairs and attributed that to the tiger he ate yesterday. the tiger got scared and ran away. the tiger found a fox and they tied their tails together to go confront the frog, but the frog made a remark that scared the tiger into beliving it was a trap and he ran away with fox still attached.a man was selling oil and set it down on a rock. a different man was headed to own and his donkey knocked the jar down and broke it. the king judged that neither man was at fault, but the fault lay on the rock and donkey, so he had both put in jail. The people thinking he has gone mad came to see the trial, but once they were all in court the king said you cannot try them and everyone there was dumb and had to pay a fine in order to leave. the collected money was then given to the man with the broken jar.
There was a man who befriended a ghost. this ghost captured the soul of a kings son in a bag and gave it to his friend. The man took the soul to the king an healed him in exchange for half of what he owned. the ghost never came back.
Story source: Tibetan Folk Tales by A.L. Shelton with illustrations by Mildred Bryant (1925).
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