a favorite place of mine

Image result for village inn 

Village Inn logo 

One of my favorite places is village inn. They have free pie Wednesdays, which me and my friends started going to my senior year of high school. This is the go to hang out place that me and my friends go whenever we get together. They have great food and a really chill environment. We usually play some cards against humanity while we hang out, eat, and talk. It is a lot of fun! The managers and wait staff know us really well at this point and they treat us right and will occasionally join in on the fun.


  1. Oh, this is great, Charley! Someone else (but I can't remember who now...) had Waffle House as their favorite place, and I was thinking how that would be a fun setting for storytelling; you never know who might show up, especially in the wee hours, and have a story to share at a place like Village Inn or Waffle house... people on a quest, or survivors of urban legends, or maybe even ghosts... whatever your imagination can dream up! Plus, of course, PIE.
    With links in Blogger, you can create link text and not show the URL; that's easier on the eyes, esp. for long web addresses. So your link here could be: Village Inn logo. You can give that style a try in your next post and see how it works.


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